Springfield : Grand St.
Clinique des femmes et des enfants
- (417) 851-1555
1720 O. Grand St.
Springfield, MO 65802 -
Clinic Hours
Lundi vendredi
7h30 - 17h30
Prestations de service
- Santé comportementale
- Dentaire
- Lab
- Same-Day Sick Visits
- Vision
- Adult & Family Medicine
- Pediatric Occupational Therapy
- Pediatric Medicine
- Pediatric Physical Therapy
- Pediatric Speech Therapy
- Women’s Health/OBGYN
- Ultrasound
Clinique de procédure
- (417) 851-15625
1720 O. Grand St.
Springfield, MO 65802 -
Clinic Hours
Lundi vendredi
7h30 - 17h30
Prestations de service
- Dentaire
Pediatric Express Care
- (417) 851-1555
1720 O. Grand St.
Springfield, MO 65802 -
Clinic Hours
Lundi vendredi
7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
We Help With
- Asthma and allergies
- OS cassés
- Cold and flu
- Coughs and sore throats
- Earaches and infections
- Minor scrapes, cuts and burns
- Rashes
- Diarrhea or vomiting
- Sprains
- Strep throat
- Urinary tract infections
- Pink Eye
Jordan Valley Senior Care (PACE)
- (417) 851-1550
1720 O. Grand St.
Springfield, MO 65802 -
Operating Hours
Lundi vendredi
7h30 - 17h30
Jordan Valley CHC Grand Pharmacy
- (417) 851-5904
1720 O. Grand St.
Springfield, MO 65802 -
Pharmacy Hours
Lundi vendredi
7h30 - 17h30